SuperSAN Online Help
Snapshot management for iSCSI image file
Snapshot Management KernSafe Storage Center

KernSafe iSCSI SAN is fully compatible with Microsoft Virtual Hard Disk (VHD and VHDX) file, Standard Disk Image file (.img) and provides snapshot feature for VHD and Standard Disk Image File based device, snapshot feature is an advanced mechanism that allow use easily achieve data backup and resume. Snapshot feature is used to capture an iSCSI device's state at any point in time.

Click Targets on the left navation panel, then click on che checkbox of one target, then click the Snapshots button, then Snapshot Manager dialog popup up.

Select a parent node and click Add button.


Type the text in Name and Description filed and press the OK button to create a snapshot. 

Repeat the steps user can create snapshot on any parent node, parent node means the new created node's data will inherit from the parent.

To revert snapshot, user can select the Revert Snapshot item, an prompt dialog is shown.

Press the Yes button to revert to the current snapshot. 

To manage snapshots user can select the Snapshot Manager item, a graphical snapshot manager dialog is shown.

In the Snapshot Manager Dialog, user can also choose to take snapshot, modify snapshot name and description and delete the snapshot. The picture in the dialog shows the snapshot record history and relationship. User can select the proper snapshot to recover the disk state.



  • NAME