KernSafe > Products > HAReplicator > Small Business
HAReplicator Standard

KernSafe HAReplicator standard is a professional and advanced replication software which allows to create synchronous and asynchronous between local storage and remote iSCSI SAN and as while as two local storages. HAReplication is working in the Windows kernel layer, all modification to the local storage will be synchronized to the target storage, it is transparent and real-time, and compate any applications such as distribute file system service, database service and as while as Windows Explorer, not like the replication in iSCSI target software feature which can only replicatte data written by iSCSI initiator, by comparing to iSCSI level replication, HAReplication has much wider range of using.

HAReplicator Management Console.
Add server to management console.
Create applications.
Add servers to create replication application.
Choose storage for building high availability storage.
Create remote synchronous or asynchronous replication to iSCSI SAN.
Encryption option for replication target medium.
Create mirror replication to local disk image file.