KernSafe Storage Center can be easily installed by following the instructions introduced in this section.
If a previous version of the Storage Center has been installed, please close all the Storage Center applications.
Step1: Welcome Window Start the installation by double clicking the installer icon. The welcome window will be displayed. Press the Next button to continue.

Step2: License Agreement window User must read the license agreement carefully. Only if user accepts the terms and conditions specified in the document, user can select “I accept the terms in the License Agreement”
and press the Next button to continue the installation. Otherwise, user must select “I do not accept the terms in the License Agreement” and exit the installation procedure.

Step 3: Choose Components window Please select the components that need to be installed and press the
Next button to continue.

Step 4: Choose Install Location window Please select the folder to install the software. By default, the installation folder is C:\Program Files\KernSafe\Storage Center. To install the software to another location,
press the Browse… button to select the new location. And then press the Next button to continue.

Step 5: Choose Start Menu Folder window Specify the start menu folder and press the Install button to start the installation.

Step 6: Finish window After installation is finished, press the Finish button to exit. The Storage Center has been successfully installed to the computer.
