KernSafe > News > iSCSI SAN v6 major upgrade released
iSCSI SAN v6 major upgrade released

iSCSI SAN v6 major upgrade released

2018-09-20 KernSafe iSCSI SAN v6 major upgrades has been released.
Update list:

  • Add Storage Pool feature that mentioned above.
  • Add WEB based management, which can manage all platforms (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X) iSCSI SAN and can run all platforms.
  • Improved performance for concurrent I/O.
  • Optimized daemon scripts for Linux and Hyper-Converged Platform.
  • Improved HA features on all platforms.
  • Improved synchronous and asynchronous replication on Linux and Hyper-Converged platform.
  • Fully supports VMWare VAAI, ATS, Offload-Copy etc.
  • GUI improved.
  • Fixed existing BUGs in GUI and iSCSI SAN core services.

Click the below link to read more information:



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