KernSafe > White Papers > iSCSI SAN: Building High-Availability iSCSI SAN for Citrix Xen Server
iSCSI SAN: Building High-Availability...

iSCSI SAN: Building High-Availability iSCSI SAN for Citrix Xen Server

Building high availability iSCSI SAN for Citrix Xen Server by using KernSafe iSCSI software
iSCSI in High Availability  

This white paper is showing in very detail how to set up a High Available platform with iStorage Server for Citrix XenServer. This will allow for tremendous decrease of downtime for those servers as well as increase overall performance. High- Available is a requirement for any size business that needs to have reliable access to its data.
Citrix is world’s finest virtualization company that is famous for their intuitive and feature rich software. Therefore combining iStorage Server and Citrix XenServer is a perfect solution to build a reliable and solid High-Available platform.

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